Jodi Capleton

Jodi Capleton, Registered Osteopath and Naturopath, BSc (Hons) Ost Med, ND, FSCCO Member of the Institute of Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy

My deep love for the beauty of nature, and the benefits we get from our connection with it, drew me first to studying Zoology, with a focus on immunology and molecular cell biology. After working in conservation (and hurting my back!) I discovered Cranial Osteopathy, and went back to university. I completed a degree in Osteopathic Medicine at the British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy in 2000. My passion for Osteopathy led me to deepening my study in the Cranial and Biodynamic fields, which had helped me and my children so much in the past. I completed the nine post-graduate 'Pathway' courses of the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy to become a fellow (FSCCO). I have completed all nine Phases of the Biodynamic Traditional Osteopathic Studies, and all three Phases of the Biodynamic Treatment of Children.
The term 'Cranial Osteopathy' refers to the subtle and refined techniques within Osteopathy that were first developed for the head, but now used to treat the whole body.
I have specialised in the use of Cranial Osteopathy, as I find the techniques extremely effective in helping people be free of a wide range of pains and health conditions. Cranial Osteopaths use a highly trained sense of touch to feel subtle changes in tension and tissue quality, to get a real sense of where, why and how stresses, strains and dysfunction occur around the body, sometimes from a forgotten past event. Treatment is therefore uniquely tailored to the individual. These techniques also reduce the chances of symptoms returning in the future.
The living body has an innate capacity to heal. Physical injury, emotional trauma or chemical insults/poor nutrition can all compromise our healing capacity, then symptoms of discomfort or disease may develop. Cranial Osteopaths work with and augment the body's innate self-corrective mechanism to bring a problematic or painful area back to a place of ease and balance, in harmony with the whole body, improving blood flow, lymphatic drainage, or releasing trapped nerves for example, to help the tissues heal and thrive. We also believe that the Autonomic Nervous System plays a key role in disease and healing,
James Jealous D.O., the founder of the Biodynamic teaching curriculum, felt that the forces that guided embryogenesis are the same forces that become the agents of health and healing after we are born, and that the subtle rhythms Cranial Osteopaths feel are all expressions of this primal force.
Cranial treatment is suitable for all ages, from newborn to elders.
Please give our reception team a call to arrange an appointment on 01736 360522
Or arrange a free 15 minute chat to see if I can help you 07950 324269
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Adults (18 years and over) £57 per session
Children (1-17 years) £45 per session
Babies (under 1 year) £40 per session
Please allow 45 minutes to one hour for each visit