Shelagh Cleary

Shelagh Cleary, homeopath
Registered Homeopath BA(Hons), LSSH, RHom, MARH
I have been using homeopathy since the 1980s and following my own experience as a patient in resolving a chronic health issue, I was inspired to study homeopathy. I have been in practice since 2000 when I graduated in Classical Homeopathy after a 4-year training programme. I also hold a Post Graduate Diploma in homeopathy. I am a member of The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths - a body representing professional homeopaths.
- Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats the individual mentally, emotionally and physically
- Homeopathic remedies are typically sourced from naturally occurring substances
- Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted and non toxic
- Remedies are prescribed according to the Law of Similars - Like can be treated with Like. For example, when cutting an onion the vapours can cause stinging watery eyes and a running nose. So Allium Cepa, a homeopathic preparation of red onion, can relieve these symptoms which are commonly experienced in hayfever and the common cold
- Homeopathy is used by millions of people across the world
- It can be safely used by all age groups
- It is safe to use alongside prescribed medications
- Homeopathy has an extensive research and evidence base.
A consultation is an opportunity for you to talk about yourself and how you are experiencing your symptoms. Your medical history and family medical history are also taken into consideration. Consultations are usually scheduled at 4 - 8 week intervals. All consultation fees are inclusive of prescribed remedies.
Adults and children 1st consultation: £65 (1 hour)
Follow up visits: £55 (45minutes)
Please contact me for further information. I offer a 20 minute free introductory call if you would like to initially talk over the issues that are affecting you.
Tel: 07526 706184.
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